Sharon O’Dell

Sharon is the CEO of ADHD Lincs, a local charity based in Lincoln offering support, information and training to individuals, families and anyone living/working with ADHD and associated conditions for 28 years. She is also Co-Founder of Neurobites, an upskilling and empowering online organisation, delivering bespoke ADHD workshops, and training packages, a Trustee of ADDISS and Board Member of ADHD Europe. Sharon is also a Patient Enablement Advisor for ADHD360, delivering online group and individual support to individuals, parents and carers.

As a new Churchill fellow, Sharon has undertaken research in Europe and the USA with the aim of finding solutions for the disproportionate increase in the numbers of children with ADHD who are currently school avoiding.

Prof. Peter Hill

Peter is a Professor and Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry who now works in private medical practice, having previously held senior academic and clinical posts at St George’s, University of London, and at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. He is a medical doctor who is a fellow of three Royal Medical Royal Colleges.

Over the years he has advised government departments in the UK and overseas on child mental health issues, particularly service delivery. He has been a key opinion leader in ADHD for some twenty years and has written, lectured or advised on the management of ADHD nationally and internationally. The themes he has most recently been invited to talk on at various international meetings are the manifestations and treatment of ADHD as children mature through adolescence into adulthood, and how treatment interventions can best be targeted, and children’s experiences of psychiatric disorder and its treatment.

He has written or published a range of books, chapters and papers on the assessment and treatment of mental health problems in the young, particularly issues to do with neurodiversity and selective neurodevelopmental conditions.

He is the author of A Parents Guide to ADHD Medicines published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Kevin Roberts

Kevin is